
Koosöö / teamwork

[ENG below]. Toredas seltskonnas sujub kõik hästi, olgu siis lindude võrgust harutamine, konveiermeetodil rõngastamine või retk mustikametsa, nagu lisatud fotodelt näha.
Pühapäev, 28. juuli oli selle aasta senine linnurekord (284 lindu 26 liigist), esmaspäev tõi 10° jahedma ilma ja 2 korda vähem linde (126 lindu 17 liigist). Täpsemalt tabel.vaibla.net ning nüüd ka twitter.com/vaibla.
In a good company, everything goes fluently - fetching birds from mist nets, ringing as on conveyor belt or forest trip for picking blueberries.
Sunday, July 28 was so far the best day of this year (284 birds / 26 species), Monday came with 10° lower temperature and half as many birds (126 / 17). See tabel.vaibla.net and now twitter.com/vaibla as well.
Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing, plant and outdoor
Linnud võrgust harutatud. Birds are fetched from nets. Foto: Maarja Adojaan

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting
Üks haarab linnu, teine rõngastab, kolmas mõõdab ja kaalub, neljas paneb kirja. Nagu konveieril. Like on conveyor - one fetches a bird from the box, next puts on a ring, next takes measurements and last team member writes down. Foto: Kristjan Adojaan

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing, tree, child, shorts, outdoor and nature
Retk mustikametsa. Trip to forest. Foto: Kristjan Adojaan
Image may contain: indoor
Mustikamoos. Blueberry jam. Foto: Marja Adojaan